Motorcycle Endurance Rally           August 11th-16th, 2006


Day 0  •  Day 1  •  Day 2  •  Day 3  •  Day 4  •  Day 5  •  Finish  •  Epilog

The Finish

Final Checkpoint and Scoring

As the riders trickled in, GZ asked them not to use their computers or check their voicemail until 3pm. At that time, George first took Tobie and Lisa aside and told them about Uncle Bud's death. They were Bud's closest friends in the rally and George wished to extend them whatever courtesy he could. Then he made the same announcement to the rest of the riders. It was a very emotionally charged moment, and more than a few tears were shed. George then announced that Brinda Yates, Bud's wife, was coming to the banquet to meet everyone.

We discovered Brinda to be an amazing woman, full of life, who's strength and positive outlook helped everyone deal with the tragedy. She was able to meet Mark Crane who was first on the scene (about 3 minutes behind Bud), and Joe Antolick, both of whom spent several hours there and helped the rallymaster tremendously. Joe gave Brinda a great photo of Bud, which he had taken just hours before his death.

Uncle Bud, Greg Marbach, and one of the US Postal workers from the Jal, NM bonus.
(Joe Antolick photo)

The bonus scoring was complicated a bit by the "efficiency bonus" which required rescoring after the first round of scoring was completed. Joe Denton whipped up a neat Excel spreadsheet to simplify it and the process actually completed by the time we were scheduled to begin the banquet. Brian Roberts nailed the efficency bonus, by the way, just like he did in last year's Northwest Passage rally.


Okay, here's what you've been waiting for, the official finishing results for the 2006 running of the Spank 5-day motorcycle endurance rally. Without further ado, we present these riders:

Position Rider Score Bike Likeness
1 Jim Owen 216,222 BMW
2 (tie)
Lisa Stevens
Tobie Stevens
160,096 Yamaha
4 Tom Sperry 147,031 BMW
5 Art Montoya 138,943 Yamaha
6 Doug Chapman 137,939 Yamaha
7 Eric Vaillancourt 128,691 Yamaha
8 Mike Berlien 123,334 BMW
9 Matt Watkins 123,207 Yamaha
10 Terry & Lynda
119,158 Honda
11 Heidi Still 108,383 BMW
12 Coni Fitch 101,330 BMW
13 Mark Crane 99,363 BMW
14 Greg Marbach 93,562 Yamaha
15 Marua Gatensby 92,705 Kawasaki
16 Bob & Sylvie
91,020 BMW
17 Al Ladner 90,943 Yamaha
18 Brian Roberts 62,127 Suzuki DL1000
Honda CBR1100XX
19 Joseph Antolick 57,059 Yamaha

The Swag

Uncle Bud's finisher plaque was presented to his wife, Brinda.

The finisher's plaques were gorgeous, and the first 5 places also received a "trophy" which was a small Navajo rug in the Wide Ruins style made to look like a rally flag. Truly first class stuff.

George and first place winner Jim Owen,
with Don Moses, Joe Denton and Tom Austin looking on.

Well, everyone is in the bar celebrating -- at least they were several hours ago when I started on this page. I'm going to go join them now. Please come back in a day or two as I plan at least one more page in this series. Several of the riders got some truly excellent photos during the rally that I'm sure you will enjoy seeing...

H. Marc Lewis
Colorado Springs, CO

Day 0  •  Day 1  •  Day 2  •  Day 3  •  Day 4  •  Day 5  •  Finish  •  Epilog

(c) 2006  -   All rights reserved.