McDowell Diary

by John E. McDowell


Tuesday April 18th, 1882

We bid fare well to Friends and Old Neighbors and started for the far west Washington Territory. Dock went as far as Columbus with us. The wind was blowing very hard from the south west. We stopped a while in Columbus. Dinnered on Cherry Creek. In camp for the night at the edge of the Neosho Timber. Wind still blowing a perfect gale. All well.

Wednesday April 19th, 1882

In camp for dinner 10 miles west of Oswego. On a little branch. We stopped a while in Oswego. Expected to meet Southwick there but we failed to meet him. In camp for the night on a little creek 20 miles west of Town in Labette County. Wind in the South West. All well and getting along fine.

Thursday April 20th, 1882

In camp for dinner 2 miles East of Independence. After dinner I went into Town to get my gun fixt. I got it well fixt. I all so got me a Revolver. In camp for the night One mile west of Town close to the mill. Greene and I stood guard. All well. Wind in the South. Having a good time.

Friday April 21st, 1882

In camp on the Prairie. Looks very much like rain. Wind in the North West. It did rain some and some wind. All well and ready for grub.

Saturday April 22nd, 1882

In camp for dinner one mile east of Howard City. It is turning very cold. Wind in the North East. In camp on Fall River. It is very windy and cold. Old I. B. Taylor was very much dissatisfied with our camping clothes. Our stock he thot would freeze to death. We got along fine. All well.

Sabbath April 23rd, 1882

This is the Holy Sabbath morning. We will lay over. I put in the day in writing and singing. We kept very warm. In the after noon it cleared off warm. All well and hearty. This is a very rolling country. Some good farms on the river. I went over to the Post office. Got some cards. All to bed at 9 o'clock.

Monday April 24th, 1882

Elk County. We traveled about 20 miles today. Cold in the fore noon but cleared off and was warm and pleasant in the after noon. We saw our first antelope. All well and hearty.

Tuesday April 25th, 1882

In camp for dinner one mile south of Eldorado. This fore noon we past some good country. We past thru a small town called Leon. In camp for the night One Mile west of Eldorado. This is quite a business place. Met with Cap McGines and Elder Bures and their wives. Tom Yandel was in camp when we got there. All well and hearty.

Wednesday April 26th, 1882

In camp 12 miles east of Sedgwick. Past no Towns today. Some fine country. Nice weather. Wind in the North East. The first day that Yandel was with us. All well and hearty and dry.

Thursday April 27th, 1882

In camp on the west bank of the Little Arkansas River one mile west of the town of Sedgwick, Harvey County, Kansas. We haven't traveled but ten mile today on the account of Old Eligas mare being sick with Pinkeye. This is a beautiful country. Sedgwick is on the A. T. & S. F. R. R.. There is 9 wagons in our train. Calm and clear. No wind. Warm.

Friday morning April 28th, 1882

In camp on Little Arkansas and its pouring down rain. We won't get to leave here today. Wind in the North East. Night in camp on the prairie in Harvey County. We traveled 11 miles this after noon. The rain ceased. We concluded to travel. It was cool wind in the North East. The roads some slippery. Calm tonight.

Saturday morning April 29th, 1882

Today I was layed up with sick headache. For the first I didn't get to see much of the country. We passed thru Hutchinson. It is quite a business place. We got some feed chop corn. Paid $2.50 a hundred. 121/2 ¢ pound for Bacon.

Sabbath April 30th, 1882

In camp one mile west of Hutchinson. Clear and pleasant. Wind in the South West. We are laying over I have written to Dr. C. C. McDowell, W. W. McDowell, Sarah T. Ricketts and the Editor of the Journal J. F. McDowell. Then I sang some for I. B. Taylor and wife.

Monday May 1st, 1882

In camp for dinner one mile north of Nicholson and it is raining. We come 12 miles this fore noon. Had to stop once on the account of rain. It continued to rain so we had to lay in camp all the after noon. I shot my Kneedle gun at a telegraph post one hundred yards. The hole passed clear thru. I all so shot my Revolver. Beat any thing in the rain.

Tuesday May 2nd, 1882

It is still raining. All ready to pull out but the muttering thunders says lay low. In camp for dinner in a little Town on the A. T. & S. F. R. R. Rice County, Kansas. We are following the R. R. The rain broke off. Wind in the South West. Cool. In camp for the night two miles north of Ellinwood. Very windy but not so cool. All well. Are getting along fine. I am in hopes the rain is over.

Wednesday May 3rd, 1882

In camp for dinner One half mile west of Pondera, Barton. We came 22 miles this fore noon. Past thru Great Bend. Nice warm day. Wind in the South west. We past some nice country. Past thru the Swiss neighborhood. We are still following the R. R. In camp for the night 4 mile east of Larnard. Pleasant evening. Wind in the South west. Grass short.

Thursday May 4th, 1882

In camp for dinner one half mile west of Garfield. Clear and pleasant. Wind in the North West. We past thru Larnard. A nice town. From there to Garfield 10 miles. A very sandy country. We are going up the river. In camp for the night 5 miles east of Kingsley, Edwards County. Warm and pleasant. Wind in the north west. All well. This is a dry and sandy country. Wheat about killed with the drought.

Friday May 5th, 1882

In camp for dinner one mile east of the Station. This is a very dry and sandy country. They won't raise any thing. Their wheat has gone up a ready. In camp for the night one half mile West of Spearville, Ford County. This is the most desolute country I have ever past thru. I don't think they will raise any thing. All well and ready for grub.

Saturday May 6th, 1882

In camp for dinner at Dodge City. We traveled 16 miles this fore noon. Past Fort Dodge. It is on the river bank. We past thru a high rolling prairie. No farms. In camp for the night 6 miles west of Dodge City on the river bank betwixt the river and the R. R. The nicest place we have had yet. We had some rain this after noon. There is 12 wagons in our camp. We lay over till Monday.

Sunday May 7th, 1882

We are in camp 6 miles west of Dodge City, Ford county, Kansas. It is raining this morning. Wind in the south east. Very disagreeable but we have our stove in the tent and are living fine. All well.

Monday May 8th, 1882

In camp 25 miles North West of Dodge City for dinner on the River bank. We traveled 20 miles this fore noon over a rolling plain. In camp for the night 30 miles North west of Dodge city on the river bank. This is a high rolling prairie. All well and hearty. Rained a little today and looks very much like raining. This is Gray County, Kansas.

Tuesday May 9th, 1882

In camp for dinner. We are still traveling up the river and R. R. This is a cold windy day. Wind in the North. We have come 15 miles this fore noon. In camp for the night 10 miles North West of Garden City. It is still cold and windy. In camp on the bank of a large irrigating ditch. All well and hearty. We are getting along fine.

Wednesday May 10th, 1882

In camp for dinner one mile West of Lakin on the river. In Lakin I bought a bottle of catsup and Fifty cents of sugar. It is terrible windy. Wind in the North but not so cold as last night. All as well as common. Here is where the Indians used to give trouble. Two years ago 8 cowboys was killed.

Thursday May 11th, 1882

In camp for dinner on the River bank. Had to stop at 9 o'clock on the account of Tom Yandel's mule having the Pinkeye. Very windy but clear. Wind in the North. In camp for the night on the river bank, Hamilton County, Kansas. We didn't travel but about 5 miles this after noon on the account of Tom's mule being sick. All well. Quite windy.

Friday May 12th,1882

In camp for dinner close a little Town on the R. R. Greene has went out hunting and hasn't come in yet. Mollie is some uneasy. We have come about 15 miles this fore noon. In camp for the night near Holly Station, Colorado. All well and hearty. Wind in the east. A little cool. Grant is out hunting and it is 9 o'clock. We have been firing our revolvers for him.

Saturday May 13th,1882

In camp for dinner 15 miles north west of Granado, Colorado. Grenada is a poor little dilapidated town on the R. R. west of the river. We crost on the R. R. bridge. It is planked. We had to pull thru heavy sand today. In camp for the night on the River Bank 16 mile above Greanado in a cotton wood grove. The nicest place we have had. The grove is on the east west and south. Wind in the South East. All well.

Sabbath May 14th,1882

In camp for the day in the previous described camp. All well this morning. Wind still in the south east. Cloudy. Looks some like rain but cleared off warm and pleasant. Wind very high until sun down. Then as calm as a summer evening. Some would have traveled today if we had of went. All well and hearty and getting along fine.

Monday May 15th,1882

In camp for dinner on the R. R. No grass. We come 20 mile this fore noon. Started at 6 and stopped at 9. In camp for the night on the River bank. Our tent is within six feet of the water. The bluffs are getting higher and the bottoms narrower as we go up. No settlement today. Only at the two tanks we past. One they had the smallpox. 4 cases for a pest house. Wind in the South East.

Tuesday May 16th,1882

In camp for dinner on the top of high hill. We past thru Las Animus. It is quite a town on the east side of the R. R. Quite hilly. In camp for the night on a little creek in the open prairie. We came about 40 miles today. Past Fort Lyons. It is on the north side of the river. Past thru La junta. It is quite a business place. All well. Quite windy. Wind in the South East.

Wednesday May 17th,1882

In camp for dinner in the sand plains. Come 15 miles this fore noon. Wind in the North West but warm and pleasant. In camp for the night. A deep ravine on the R. R. close the station. In Colorado. Warm and pleasant. Wind in the North East. All well and hearty and getting along fine. Old I. B. is out with us tonight. He is on the hill.

Thursday May 18th,1882

In camp for dinner on the bank of the river 7 miles east of Pueblo, Colorado. We are nearing the mountains and the scenery is grand. In camp for the night one mile east of the steel works of Pueblo. It looks grand lit up with the electric lites. We are nearing Pikes Peak and it looks beautiful with snow on the top. All well and hearty. Old I. B. was gone today.

Friday May 19th,1882

In camp for the night 16 miles south of the Springs. We come thru Pueblo. It is a large town. There is big works manufacturing steel and smelting. This is the most God forsaken country I ever saw. There isn't any farms. Some little patches on the creeks by irrigation. The wind arose in the north east. Very cold. It was hard traveling. Got a good camp. I had the headache today.

Saturday May 20th,1882

In camp for the night in the suburbs of Colorado Springs. Traveled 16 miles today over a dry sandy country. This is the prettiest town I ever saw. The streets are wide and smooth with shade trees on each side. There irrigated. This isn't a manufacturing town like Pueblo. Old Eliga met his girls here. We are all well. Had a snow storm this evening.

Sabbath evening May 21st,1882

We are laying over at the Springs. We are near the town. It is a very blustering day. Snow and rain. I took the boys Frank & Jimmie & William up to what is called the Garden of the Gods. It was the grandest sight I ever saw. It was snowing all the time we were up there. We walked about 10 miles. 5 up and 5 down. Grass is short here. The spring is so backward it is costing us like smoke for feed. All well. Wind in the South.

Monday May 22nd,1882

Still in camp at the Springs. Charley come this morning. They have all gone up to the Springs. Eff and Lib has gone with them. I and the boys are keeping house. The wind has got very high from the north. This is a lonesome day to me as I am alone and Charley is going to leave us in the morning and old Eliga has give out going. All well. Had a good dinner.

Tuesday May 23rd,1882

In camp for night 25 miles North of the Springs. Horses in Millie Nortons pasture. I like this part of Colorado better than any I have seen. We are traveling close the mountains a long the foot hills. Some nice valleys. Past one town, Monument. We have been coming up hill from the Springs and up on the divide where the slope goes towards Denver. There is a nice lake of 160 acres. It is 1300 feet higher than at the Springs.

Wednesday May 24th,1882

We will lay over here today on Tom Yandel. I went back to Monument but couldn't hear any thing of him. This is a terrible windy cold place but good grassing. I have the headache today. We leave Uncle Eliga tomorrow. It is cold and windy up here. Wind changes about every 15 minutes. All well and hearty except my headache.

Thursday May 25th,1882

In camp for the night 2 miles North west of Sedalia, Colorado. 21 mile of Denver. Down hill all the way. Had to use the brake half the time. We are traveling along the foot hills. Past thru Sedalia. A little town on the R. R. They farm a little thru here by irrigation. Mollie has the sick headache this after noon. This was a fine day.

Friday May 26th,1882

In camp for dinner and looks very much like it is for night as it is pouring down rain. It commenced with a hail storm which made our mules get up and get. 5 miles south East of Denver. We come 15 miles this for noon. This is best looking part of the state we have past thru. Some good farms. Irrigated. Some of the largest ditches I ever saw. As large as canals. All well and in good spirits.

Saturday May 27th,1882

Still in camp 4 miles south east of Denver. It rained all night last night and till noon today. Greene went to town this fore noon after our mail. Got a letter from Dock and Sarah Ricketts. I was up this evening after a bale of hay as grassing is short here. Denver is a smashing place. Some splendid buildings and business houses. The streets are poor. Very muddy just now. All well except Elmer. He got in an ant hill and got bit with them.

Sunday night May 28th,1882

Still in camp 4 miles south east of Denver. I was laid up with sick headache. Was awful sick. This was a beautiful day. Clear and warm. The big bugs done up some buggy riding out this way. Yandel hasn't caught up yet and I don't expect we will see them any more. There are 12 wagons in our train now. 10 from Arkansas. It is raining tonight.

Monday May 29th,1882

In camp 5 miles north west of Denver near a lake. We past thru Denver. Stopped a while in town. Past by Brick Tumroy's mansion. It is as fine a mansion as I ever saw. In camp for the night near another lake. We are traveling in a north west course along the foot hills. The mountains look beautiful with their snowy caps. Wind is blowing hard from the west. All well. Greene has gone down to the lake to shoot ducks.

Tuesday May 30th,1882

In camp for dinner one mile south of Longmont. It rained some this fore noon. This is the best farming part of Colorado. They raise large fields of wheat. They can irrigate so handily as there is so many lakes so high up. In camp for night near a large lake 7 miles North of Longmont. We met with Old Man Mathes and his son Andy. This was Decoration day. They were having a big time. All well.

Wednesday May 31st,1882

In camp for dinner 7 miles north west of Loveland, a little town on the R. R. It is a beautiful country around it. 12 teams is in our train. Haven't caught Yandel yet. In camp for the night. Close Fort Collins City. This is a nice town. Some splendid buildings. Brick. Yandel is in camp one mile south of us. He is going to ship on the R. R. to work a while. I think he is very foolish. This was a beautiful day. All well. Wind in the south east.

Thursday June 1st,1882

In camp in a large valley up in the Mountains 12 miles north west of Ft. Collins on the old Military Route where thousands have past over. We crost the Poodel River this fore noon. This is a warm day. Wind in the north west. In camp close to the tavern on the forks of the road. We take to the right this after noon. We past thru our first canyon. We have the best grass this evening we have had on our way. It is very windy this evening.

Friday June 2nd,1882

In camp for dinner on top of the highest point we have struck. Seven thousand feet above sea level. It is raining but we have a good camp. There is a house that we are camping. There isn't any one living here. We stay here till morning. It rained all most all the after noon. There is in our camp to night 12 wagons, one two horse buggy, one man with a pack horse and a fine bull leading, and two old miners with pack ponies. All well.

Saturday June 3rd,1882

In camp on the U. P. R. R. 5 miles south east of Laramie City near the Station. We crost the highest point today and some tough mountains. Had quite a snow storm today. We have good grassing and will stay here till morning Monday. All well and have hard work to get enough to eat. Are almost out of grub and horse feed. It is quite calm for Laramie Plains.

Sunday June 4th,1882

We are laying over. Sure warm today. I had a severe headache. Desperate sick. Some wanted to travel. We told them the road was open, go on, but not one of them left.

Monday June 5th,1882

In camp for dinner. Close to Laramie City. We traveled only 9 miles. Past by Fort Sanders. Quite a raft of barracks and some soldiers. We found old I. B. Taylor and Southwick in camp near the city waiting to ship on the working train. We left them. In camp for the night on Little Laramie 16 miles north west of Laramie. We come down grade all the way. All well. Nice and warm. Wind in the south.

Tuesday June 6th,1882

In camp for dinner on a little creek. In an antelope country. I shot 4 times and wounded one I was after. 12 in one gang. This is a very rolling country. We are getting close to the mountains. In camp for the night on a beautiful stream. Plenty of grass and wood. We past some desperate alkali swamps. One team stalled. My mules went thru like a top. It looks very much like snowing. All well.

Wednesday June 7th,1882

In camp for dinner on a beautiful stream up in the hills. Mountains on our right and left. Plenty of snow within a half mile. Our ten Arkansas teams are with us yet. They will kill their teams but they will keep up. In camp for the night on Medicine Bow. Quite a stream. A toll bridge but I rode across on Charley. So they all followed and saved a half dollar a piece. We paid that this fore noon. All well.

Thursday June 8th,1882

In camp for the night up in the mountains on a nice little creek. We got here at 10 o'clock this fore noon and are going to stop 2 or 3 days and hunt and let our stock rest. We were all out with guns this after noon. One of our boys shot an antelope which will give us all 2 or 3 messes. I run 4 but did not get a shot. Greene got a jack rabbit. It is raining a little tonight. All well.

Friday June 9th,1882

Still in camp in our mountain camp a hunting. Greene and I killed two Elk calves about 7 miles south west of camp. We did have a glorious time bringing them in strapped on my mules. We had to cross the Mountain range and then come down this side the mules on. And one of our boys killed a sheep so we have a variety of meat. Elk, antelope and sheep. All well and have appetites like sawmills can make fresh meat get. It rained this evening.

Saturday June 10th,1882

In camp for dinner on Platte River one mile above Ft. Steele. We come 12 miles this fore noon over a lonely desolate hilly good for nothing country. In camp for the night close to the bridge near the Ferry. We drove down to the Ferry but concluded to stop over Sunday on this side. Plenty of wood and water. Grass good. The Ferryman told us to help ourselves to wood. There is about a thousand cord of fine wood corded up here just to be on hand.

Sabbath June 11th,1882

Sabbath morning. A beautiful day. I have just been over with the boys to the Fort to see the big guns. We crost on the iron bridge. I wrote Dock a letter. All well. Our camp is full of soldiers. They are so friendly and sociable. Rained some this after noon. Wind in the east. Not so very cold.

Monday June 12th,1882

In camp for the night 4 miles west of Rawlins, a small town on the U. P. R. R. We are going back to the Old California Trail. We had quite a time this morning ferrying the Platte. I helped 9 teams over. I crost the Platte 18 times. My team was the first to cross. The boat went over like a dart but all landed safe on this side. Warm and pleasant. Nights cool. Sleep well. I have eat too much fresh meat. Got the bellyache.

Tuesday June 13th,1882

In camp for dinner in the wilderness. Good grazing. Stock doing fine. In camp for the night on Muddy creek. 14 wagons in our train. Greene is sick. Been in bed all day. Bilious attack. Weather warm and pleasant. Cool of nights. Sleep well. Wind in South West. Roads good. This is very hilly and mountainous. Our stock has done fine so far. None has been sick.

Wednesday June 14th,1882

In camp at old Doba. Got here at 9 o'clock. Have to lay over as it is 32 miles to next water. Greene is quite poorly. Is taking medicine from Dr. Hunt, a man in our train. I have filled our keg and jugs with water for tomorrow as we have 32 miles to make with out water. Warm and pleasant. Quite calm. Greene is better. Will leave here tomorrow.

Thursday June 15th,1882

In camp for the night 2 miles east of Bitter Creek. Today we have past thru a dry sandy desolate country. No water. No grass. Haven't seen a house for two days and I don't know when we will. We are hauling water to use. Plenty of sage brush. Greene is getting better fast. Warm and pleasant. Good night.

Friday June 16th,1882

In camp near Antelope Springs. Today we traveled 12 miles and in the after noon got lost and didn't make any time. Come back to where we eat dinner. This after noon was a failure. Greene is still better. Warm and pleasant.

Saturday June 17th,1882

In camp up in the mountains on the U. P. R. R. This is the desolatest country I ever saw. No grass but lots of sand. I was laid up with sick headache all day. Greene had to do too much. Isn't so well tonight. I want to get out of this country as quick as possible. Warm and pleasant. Good by.

Sunday night June 18th,1882

In camp in Rock Station, a coal mining town. The hardest place we have struck. We had to travel today on the account of being out of feed and their being no grass. We hadn't traveled but a quarter until I and one of the train boys killed a black tail deer. We shot him 5 times. This is our first Sunday traveling and would not of been if we could of got grass.

Monday June 19th,1882

In camp for the night 6 miles west of Greene River City. This is quite a little place. Surrounded with mountains. The river on the west. R. R. thru the center. We climbed some steep hills. I was on the lead all day. Greene is better. Wind in the west. Was first on the Ferry. Only $3.00. It rained big showers all day.

Tuesday June 20th,1882

In camp for noon and night. All is as it was raining when we got up and kept it up till 12 o'clock. We would not of struck tents if we had of had water but we had to pull thru the rain over here 6 miles on the U. P. R. R. where wood and water and grass is plenty. This after noon is beautiful and the roads are drying fast. Greene is getting better. I am not so well today. We will go on in the morning.

Wednesday June 21th,1882

I was taken very sick last night. I never suffered more in my life than I did during the night. Greene sent for Dock Hunt. He come and said I had Spinal Meningitis. But I think Mountain fever. The train is laying over today on me. Other medicine I have taken. I am deathly sick. Greene is mending slowly.

Thursday June 22nd,1882

Today we traveled how fast and far I don't know. I rode in Greene's wagon and he gave me medicine every two hours. Tonight I am not any better but so weak I can't stand up.

Friday June 23rd,1882

Today we traveled about 25 miles. I laid in bed all day in my own wagon. Frank & Jimmie drove and O me I had my insides shook up from the bottom. This evening I am some better. Eat a little tea and bread for the first. There is several down with fever in our train.

Saturday June 24th,1882

Traveled today laying down. I am mending fast if I don't get a back set. One thing good for me is I have a good appetitie. I am taking quinine against Dr. Hunt's orders but I know what is best for me.

Sunday June 25th,1882

In camp for the Sabbath. Our stock strayed a way last night. Found them about 4 miles west coming back. I am up and around all most all day but so weak. A beautiful day. O how I would love to be at Class today. I bless the Lord for what he has done for me.

Monday June 26th,1882

We traveled about 25 miles. Past thru Collins. Bought some corn and supplies. It is a town of Chinese. Saw some of the nastiest Indians I ever saw. I am mending slow. Don't gain strength as fast as I would love to. All well. Warm and pleasant.

Tuesday June 27th,1882

All day we have been traveling in Echo Canyon.

Wednesday June 28th,1882

We traveled all day in Weber Canyon. Rough roads and close quarters with the R. R. and river. In camp on a little flat of about 5 acres. High mountains all around. Warm and pleasant. Wind in the west.

Thursday June 29th,1882

We past out of Weber Canyon today at the Devil's Gate. It is about as scary a place as we have past. The canyon is about 30 yards wide. The rock cliffs are three hundred feet high. Straight. The R. R. is on one side, the wagon road on the other, and the river in the middle just roaring. We had to just hug the rocky cliff. In camp 5 miles south of Brigham City.

Friday June 30th,1882

In camp 15 miles north west of Brigham City where grass is as sacrce as hen's teeth. We past thru Brigham City and another Mormon town by the name of Corinnth. They are building a tabernacle at Brigham. Corinnth is on the U. P. R. R. A good many gentiles there. In camp in the valley. No grass. Nothing but sage brush and mosketers. Water bad. Very warm.

Saturday July 1st,1882

In camp up in the mountains. Grass tolerable good. No water. Hauling water. Had the headache today. We will have to drive tomorrow Sunday. Warm and pleasant. Turned all our stock loose. Good grassing. All well and hearty. Go to bed 9 o'clock.

Sunday July 2nd,1882

Sunday in camp at a spring in the mountains. Grass is scarce. Water good and plenty. Very warm wind in the south. This is a dry hilly country. We left this camp after dinner on the account of no grass. West about 5 miles found good grass but no water. Very warm.

Monday July 3rd,1882

In camp for the night up in a valley in Idaho. Good grass but water scarce. We traveled 25 miles. Very warm and dusty. I had the headache. William is sick, Mountain fever. It is getting terrible hot traveling.

Tuesday July 4th,1882

In camp on Raft River. The women are washing. We come 17 miles this fore noon. It is very warm. Looks like some rain. Did rain a little. O the mosketers is bad tonight. Very warm. No wind. This is a beautiful country if it was improved. We go to March Basin for dinner tomorrow.

Wednesday July 5th,1882

In camp for dinner on a little branch 2 miles south east of March Basin. In camp for night 6 miles south west of March Basin on a little branch. This is a beautiful country but awful dusty. Very windy today. We came about 25 miles today. Will is lots better today. Is eating cherries. Will get along now.

Thursday July 6th,1882

In camp for dinner on Goose Creek. We traveled 25 miles this fore noon. We laid over in this camp all the after noon as it was 5 miles to water and grass scarce. I am feeling quite unwell again. This mountain fever is still working on me. 10 teams in camp tonight. Will is getting better. Cool and pleasant.

Friday July 7th,1882

In camp for the night on Rock Creek. Grass scarce. Very windy. I was laid up all most all day. This is a very rough country. Awful dusty. We cross the desert tomorrow. Mollie has the blues this evening on the account of wind and dust. All well except myself and William.

Saturday July 8th,1882

In camp on the Snake River at the Falls. This is a beautiful river. Lost River comes in here on the north side. Falls about 30 feet. This is a dry and sandy country and terrible dusty. No grass. Buying hay. Tonight the night is cool and windy. All well.

Sunday July 9th,1882

We had to travel all day on the account of grass. Come about 25 miles. Crost the Snake River on a big ferry. 3 teams at once. In camp for the night 11/2 west of the ferry. I had the headache all day. Ferrage $1.50 to the team. Grass tolerable here on this little creek. Wind and dust to all destruction.

Monday July 10th,1882

In camp on a little creek for dinner. 9 o'clock. Grass good. In camp at the stage station 60 miles south east of Boise City. Good grass. This is a dry country. Dust to all destruction. Mountains on the north and south. Some game. Some grizleys and deer. Wind in the north west. Blows the dust in our eyes as we go. All well and hearty.

Tuesday July 11th,1882

In camp at the Stage station. 30 miles east of Boise. We come 30 miles today. Dry and dusty. All well. Warm and pleasant. Good grass. We will get to Boise tomorrow.

Wednesday July 12th,1882

In camp for the night at the bridge one half mile south of Boise City. This is a beautiful place. We come over an awful rough country today. The gardens that is here beats all. Potatoes cabbages onions. Everything. All well and hearty. Warm and pleasant.

Thursday July 13th,1882

In camp for dinner 8 miles west of Boise City. We laid in our supplies this morning. Boise is a beautiful place and this valley can't be beat for beauty and fertility. Wheat oats and barley to all destruction. In camp for the night 24 miles west of Boise City in the valley. Plenty of hay at one cent a pound. All well and hearty.

Friday July 14th,1882

In camp for dinner 5 miles east of the Snake River where we cross. This is an awful dusty country. Dry and no grass but lots of sage brush. In camp for the night on the Snake River close to the Ferry. Mosketers is awful bad. I don't expect to sleep any tonight. I wish it was morning. We cross the river in the morning on the ferry. All well.

Saturday July 15th,1882

In camp on Willow Creek, Oregon. The best of grass. This was a day of sand and dust. Rough country. All well and hearty. William and Jimmie are in swimming. Very warm. All well.

Sunday July 16th,1882

Still in camp on Willow Creek. I am laid up with headache. Awful hot today. Nights cool and pleasant. Nice sleeping. No mosketers. Parashes caught up with us this morning. They stopped at Boise City. We are getting along fine. No bad luck as yet.

Monday July 17th,1882

In camp for the night on Burnt River, Oregon. This is an awful rough country. Mountains high and dry. Bottoms small but little settled. Houses 8 to 10 miles a part. I won't settle here I know and if Washington isn't any better I won't settle there. All well and hearty. Warm and pleasant tonight.

Tuesday July 18th,1882

In camp on Burnt River. The country is so near alike that it is no use describing every days travel. We are going up Burnt River Canyon. The Oregon Short Line R. R. is surveyed up it. We past two sets of surveyors today. It is a tedious job to survey it up this canyon. Some times they are away up on the side of the mountain.

Wednesday July 19th,1882

In camp in Baker Valley. We past thru Baker City today. It is quite a town. Mostly Jews. We laid in some feed and grub. Come 25 miles today. This is a nice valley. All well. We camped with Mr. Angel last night. He lives on Powder River 20 miles west of Baker. He was going over on Snake River.

Thursday July 20th,1882

In camp in Conoley's pasture on the River Grand Ronde, Oregon. I guess we will stop for the winter here. Very likely for a year. I was out this afternoon looking at a farm to rent. There is 300 acres in it. I like this country the best of any I have seen in the west. If I had a farm here I would be contented to stay. Fruit of all kind in abundance. All well and hearty.

Friday July 21st,1882

Still in camp on the river in Conoley's pasture. I wrote Bro. Marshall a letter. All well.

Saturday July 22nd,1882

Still in camp on the old camp. I have the sick headache.

Monday July 24th,1882

Still in camp. I was out to see that farm of Booth's that is to rent. I expect we will take it. I like it fine.

At this point the diary was full. John apparently started another diary to journal the trip in 1883 from the Grande Ronde valley in Oregon to the Kittitas valley in Washington Territory. Unfortunately, that diary seems to have been lost. If you have any information about the lost diaries, please email me.