Proposed Baja Trip

aka "Peso Nipple Walk"
(which is an anagram for Lewis/Kopp/Alpen)

Day From To Fuel Distance Daily Miles
Day 1
Escondido Tecate Y 80 80
Tecate El Hongo   20? 100
El Hongo Ojos Negros Y 60? 160
Ojos Negros Valle de la Trinidad Y 65? 225
Valle de la Trinidad Mike's Sky Rancho Y 30 255
Mostly pavement, border crossing at Tecate, pick up FMT visas at the border, then Hwy 3 over the mountains to San Filipe. Fuel up at El Hongo if possible as it is roughly a 160 mile leg from Tecage to Ojos Negros. Stop in Ojos Negros and Valle de la Trinidad for fuel. All depends upon the weather of course, if it's bad, we may need to go via Ensenada or Laguna Salada.
Day 2
Mike's Sky Rancho San Filipe Y 80? 80
San Filipe Bahia San Luis Gonzaga Y 100? 180
Bahia San Luis Gonzaga Coco's Corner   20? 200
Coco's Corner Guerrero Negro Y 120? 320
Mostly dirt, south along the Bulf of California through Puertecitos, with a stop in Bahia San Luis Gonzaga for fuel. Another stop at Coco's corner for beer and photos, then back to Hwy 1 and south into Guerrero Negro for the night. Fuel in Villa Jesus Maria if necessary.
Day 3
Guerrero Negro Vizcaino Y 40? 40
Vizcaino Bahia Asuncion Y 90? 130
Short day, where we get to the Pacific early in the day and relax on the beach, take photos, or explore nearby dirt roads. Or we could ride out to Bahia Tortugas for lunch, and back to Bahia Ascuncion for the night. Maybe stay at one of the places Phil found on the 'net. Ride to Punta San Pablo and Punta San Roque for fun and photos.
Day 4
Bahia Asuncion Punta Abreojos Y 75? 75
Punta Abreojos San Ignacio Y 60? 135
Follow the Pacific coast south, stop for photos often, beachcomb. Stay in the yurts with Phil's friends, maybe have dinner with them. Eat well, drink lots of beer. Relax.
Day 5
San Ignacio Santa Rosalia Y 45 45
Santa Rosalia San Jose De Magdalena   25? 70
San Jose De Magdalena Mulege Y 60? 150
Spend most of the day up in the San Pedro mountains, exploring dirt roads, ending up in Mulege.
Day 6
Mulege San Juanico Y 70? 70
San Juanico La Purisima Y 30? 100
La Purisima Loreto Y 70? 170
Pretty much all dirt roads, up over the mountains to the Pacific coast, fuel in both San Juanico and La Purisima (lunch too, I hope), then back over the mountains to Loreto on the gulf coast. dirt roads, ending up in Mulege.
Day 7
Loreto San Jose Comondu Y 40? 40
San Jose Comondu Hwy 1   50? 90
up Hwy 1 Mulege Y 40? 130
Mulege San Ignacio Y 45 175
Repeat part of the mountain stage of the previous day, plus a new bit that loops NE back to Hwy 1 mid-way between Mulege and Loreto. End the day back in San Ignacio, at the Yurts or maybe Rice & Beans.
Day 8
San Ignacio Vizcaino Y 50? 50
Vizcaino El Arco   20? 70
El Arco Guerrero Negro Y 35? 105
This is kinda short, so we could do some side-roads if there are places to stay, maybe we could push on to Villa Jesus Maria or Rosarito or Bahia Santa Rosalillita to spend the night. El Arco is simply a place on the "Baja 1000" race course I'd like to see.
Day 9
Guerrero Negro Villa Jesus Maria   30? 30
Vizcaino Coco's Corner   85? 115
Coco's Corner Bahia San Luis Gonzaga Y 25? 140
Bahia San Luis Gonzaga Puerticitos   45? 185
Backtracking up the Gulf coast the way we came down.
Day 10
Puerticitos San Filipe Y 50? 50
San Filipe La Ventana Y? 55? 105
La Ventana La Rumorosa Y 75? 180
La Rumorosa Tecate Y 40? 220
Tecate Escondido Y 80? 300
Run up north and cross Laguna Salada and then up the Rumorosa Grade and on up to Tecate, and back to Escondido. If there is no fuel in at La Ventana, we may need to go the boring way up to Mexicali and then head west. Or take Hwy 3 over to Ensenada, or even backtrack up the way we came down.